Secure and confidential payment
When you pay on KLM.com, your payment details are encrypted and sent via a secure connection. The encryption of information transmitted online depends on the browser used and meets the highest standards.
Some transactions are processed through our payment partners, Worldline and Adyen. They process online payments and payment information on our behalf. Your payment details are only sent to Worldline or Adyen via a secure connection. Your data are never disclosed or forwarded to third parties or used for commercial purposes.
我們提供各種付款方式,具體取決於您的國家和您的預訂時間。 在某些國家/地區,您需要付一筆費用,具體取決於您所選的付款方式。
當您透過 KLM.com 預訂機票時,我們接受透過萬事達卡、Visa 卡和美國運通信用卡的付款。 根據您預訂時所在的國家/地區,您還可以使用大來卡、發現卡、JCB 卡(日本信用卡株式會社)或 UATP/Airplus 卡。 請注意,可能會收取信用卡附加費。
What is 3D Secure payment?
Card owner authentication 3DS is a feature that protects your online transactions. When you make a purchase on our website or app, you may be prompted to authenticate using the method provided by your bank. This authentication verifies that you are the rightful owner of the payment card being used and helps prevent unauthorised transactions. In short, it ensures that your online shopping experience is safe and secure.
在您預訂機票的幾天後,您的銀行帳戶將被收取您購買所需的金額。 您的銀行會在您與我們最終完成交易前保留該筆金額,交易完成後將會從您的帳戶上正式予以扣除。 本程序最多需要 30 天。
若您在 1 次交易中購買多張機票時,一些銀行會錯誤地預留兩次金額: 一次為總額,一次為每張機票的單張金額。 遺憾的是,這個程序超出了我們的控制範圍。 我們建議您聯絡您的銀行,要求解凍該預留金額。
透過電子錢包,您可以結合各種付款方式,例如您的信用卡和銀行帳戶。 您可以使用以下電子錢包:
- PayPal:在大約 40 個國家或地區的 KLM.com 上已被接受(但無法使用美國運通卡)
- Apple Pay:在特定國家/地區的荷航應用程式中被接受
- Google Pay:在特定國家/地區的荷航應用程式中被接受
- 微信支付:僅在中國接受
- 支付寶:在中國和香港特區接受(僅限本地信用卡和簽帳金融卡)
請確保您可以使用電子錢包支付全部金額。 一些電子錢包會限制您單次付款的金額。 一旦您的電子錢包提供商通知我們付款已完成,您將可透過電子郵件收到您的電子機票。 這個過程通常需要不到 1 小時。
網路銀行,也稱為「實時網路銀行」(RTOB),允許您透過 iDEAL、FPX、CUP Online、Nordea、Enes、Trustly 或 Sofort 來支付。 透過 KLM.com 預訂時,透過實時網上銀行付款不會被收取費用。 最遲在起飛前 2 小時,您仍可使用此付款方式。
選定航班後,選擇適用於您所在國家的網路銀行的方式。 一旦銀行通知我們支付已完成,您將會透過電子郵件收到您的電子機票。 在大多數國家,這個過程通常需要不到 1 小時。
在使用網路銀行時,您可以透過我們的合作夥伴 Worldline ePayments 或 Adyen 付款。
在大多數情況下,如果預訂與起飛至少相隔 10-14 天,您可以透過銀行轉帳付款。
如果您選擇透過銀行轉帳付款,則需要輸入以下詳細資料。 當然,所有資料將會受到嚴格保密。 預訂完成後,您將收到 12 個數字的付款參考代碼。 此代碼將用於尋找對應轉帳付款的正確預訂。 因此,在進行轉帳時,請確保正確輸入此代碼。
收到付款參考代碼後,您將可以從您自己的銀行帳戶轉帳。 轉帳方式包括網路銀行、在您的開戶銀行填寫轉帳單或使用現金轉帳。 請確保在預訂後的 48 小時內完成付款。
使用銀行轉帳時,您的銀行可能會收取轉帳手續費。 使用國際轉帳時,除了票價之外,將一律酌收「跨境轉帳」手續費。 您的銀行會提供您關於該費用的更多詳細資訊。
若我們無法收到全部金額,則機票的寄送可能會延遲。 收到全部金額後,我們將會透過電子郵件寄送電子機票給您。 付款後,您可能需要最多 5 個工作日才能收到您的電子機票。
若使用銀行轉帳,通常會是透過我們的合作夥伴 Worldline ePayments 來付款。 在一些國家,您需要直接轉帳給我們: 阿魯巴、博內爾、智利、中國、古拉索、埃及、厄瓜多、迦納、印尼、伊朗、肯亞、韓國、阿曼、秘魯、菲律賓、盧安達、沙烏地阿拉伯、聖馬丁、蘇利南、坦尚尼亞、泰國、烏干達和尚比亞。 您的付款將隨時處於安全狀態。
Payment instructions
While making your booking, we provide you with the bank information needed to process your bank transfer, including the IBAN and BIC codes for the receiving bank account. You must pay according to the instructions in your booking confirmation e-mail. Your ticket issuance may be delayed or cancelled if we do not receive the total amount in time.
You can transfer the money from your bank account using online banking, a transfer form, or a cash transaction at your bank. Depending on your country, please indicate the reference number (12-digit code located on the payment confirmation page and in the confirmation e-mail) or the booking code in the payment instructions. This information helps us link the payment to your booking. As soon as we receive your full payment, we will e-mail your ticket within 5 business days.
Your bank may charge a transfer fee when using bank transfers. You are always charged a "cross border transfer" fee on top of the ticket price for international transfers. Please contact your bank for more information concerning (the amount) of these fees.
If you want to pay at the Ticket Office, please bring the booking confirmation or booking code you received by e-mail. You must pay according to the instructions given in your booking confirmation e-mail. Your ticket issuance may be delayed or cancelled if we do not receive the total amount in time. Please note that a booking fee and a payment surcharge may apply.
Some airport or city ticket offices no longer accept cash. Please ensure you can pay with an internationally accepted credit or debit card.
You can redeem 1 or more vouchers issued by KLM and Air France to pay online for (part of) your booking. Any remaining voucher value will be credited to a new voucher.
- Vouchers are non-transferable and must be used for the passenger whose name is stated on the original voucher.
- You can redeem a voucher in My Trip to buy extra options, such as a more comfortable seat type, after booking your ticket.
- We accept vouchers issued by KLM and Air France.
- You can redeem a voucher issued in another currency than used for your booking.
- Each passenger may use up to 2 vouchers per booking with a limit of 3 vouchers per booking.
- A voucher is valid for 12 months from the date of issue.
Pay in another currency
We always display our prices in one currency. However, in many countries, you can choose another currency when paying with various debit and credit cards and PayPal.
- When converting the local price to your preferred payment currency, we use an exchange rate that includes a market-based foreign exchange margin. We always aim to keep this margin lower than the margin your credit or debit card issuing bank would have included had they converted the currency. However, KLM cannot be held liable for any differences in these rates.
- Suppose the payment currency you selected differs from the currency billed on your credit or debit card statement. In that case, the bank issuing the card will convert the transaction using their rate. KLM cannot be held liable for this conversion.
- If your credit or debit card account was issued in another country, the card issuing institution may add an ‘overseas charges’ or ‘cross-border charges’ fee. This depends on the country and bank. These fees are unrelated to exchange rates. Your bank may charge this fee regardless of the currency you select for payment at KLM. This is subject to the agreement between the bank and the cardholder. Consequently, KLM cannot be held liable for these fees.